Event Success
The past 10 years she gained experience in Trade Shows; Live Performance, Live Music, Corporate, and Community Events; Festivals, Big Box Shows, Roadshows, . She is also well round in the areas of Lead Generation, Guerrilla and Street Teams. She specializes in Medical, Health and Wellness, F&B, Automotive, CPG, and technology accounts.
She excels in leadership, program building, specialty staff training, sales, and team building. Her professional attitude and excited smile leaves clients and consumers alike with a positive feeling towards the elite brands she represents.
She excels in leadership, program building, specialty staff training, sales, and team building. Her professional attitude and excited smile leaves clients and consumers alike with a positive feeling towards the elite brands she represents.
2019 - 2020 Clients
-Brand Reps : Dallas : 8/20-10/20 LEAD MURCHANDISER: 47 Brand -Ascent Talent : Multi : PGA 2020 LEAD DIRECTIONAL : Amazon ~360 Events : Las Vegas : 12/19 TRADE SHOW BARISTA : Galderma ~KPG Staffing : Houston : 2/19 TRADE SHOW HOSTESS: Pennzoil -Kerry Group : Dallas : 1/19 |
2018 - 2017 ClientsEVENT MANAGER: Takis at UIL Championsh
-Elevate : Dallas : 12/18 EVENT MANAGER: JBL #DareToListen Tour ~Ascent Talent : Dallas/LA : 11/17 - 3/18 EMCEE and Lead : The Navy Experience ~Ascent Talent : National : 10/17-3/18 TRADE SHOW LEAD: Lifelight Food ~Activent : Expo West, Orange County: 3/18 LEAD PA : Ford Automotive, VIP Event ~Elevate : Dallas : 1/18 EVENT MANAGER : Yondr , ~Chane of Command : Dallas : 10/17- 12/17 EVENT MANAGER: DRY Sparkling, ~Creative State : National : 4/17-9/17 LEAD PRODUCT SPECIALIST: Nestle ~GMR Mosaic : Los Angeles : 5/17-6/17 OCULUS DEMO SPECIALIST: Oculus ~Elevate : USA and Canada : 2/17 - 6/17 PHOTOBOOTH MANAGER: Soap & Glory, ~Two Dots Productions : National : 3/17-7/17 RECRUITER / MANAGER: Military ~Lynxx Global : Dallas : 4/17 - 3 weeks EVENT MANAGER: Ikea Store Reopening ~Two Dots : Burbank : 2/17 - 2 weeks |
2016 - 2015 ClientsEVENT MANAGER: Money 20/20, VISA
~Air Fresh : Vegas : 10/16 EVENT MANAGER: Tagkast at APA Convention ~Two Dots Productions : Denver: VIP HOSTESS: Veracode at Blackhat ~Veracode : Vegas : 7/16 EVENT MANAGER: Nationwide Insurance ~Two Dots : Columbus: 6/16 EVENT MANAGER: Store launch, Ikea ~Two Dots : Vegas: 5/16 LEAD PA: VIP Event, Textron ~Two Dots : San Antonio: 5/16 EVENT MANAGER: YouTube Lounge at SXSW ~The Say OK : Austin: 3/16 VIP EVENT HOSTESS : Veracode at RSA ~Veracode : San Francisco : 2/16 EVENT LEAD : Samsung : at Superbowl ~Two Dots : San Francisco : 2/16 VIP MANAGER: HTC Vive at CES ~Two Dots : Las Vegas: 1/16 |
2015 - 2010 HighlightsEVENT MANAGER : VISA : NFL Program
~Two Dots : National : 9/15 - 11/15 EVENT MANAGER: HTC Vive live experience ~Two Dots : National : 6/15 - 10/15 EVENT MANAGER: Google Made With Code ~AMP Media : San Francisco : 9/15 EVENT MANAGER: Abbvie at DDW, ~EMC Outdoor : Chicago : 5/14 EVENT MANAGER: Galderma at AAD ~EMC Outdoor : San Francisco : 3/15 EMCEE/HOST : LG for Charity Bake Off ~Two Dots : Los Angeles : 2/15 EVENT MANAGER: A.C.C.C.E Nascar Races ~EMC Outdoor: National: 2/13-4/14 EVENT MANAGER : Com Ed ~EMC Outdoor : Chicago 11/13 EVENT MANAGER: Remini Street at SAP ~EMC Outdoor : Orlando : 4/13 CHALLENGE ZONE EMCEE: LEGO Kidfest ~Marketing Werks : 4 Cities: 9/12 - 11/13 |